Ushers play a very important role in the Liturgical Ministries.
The Usher is a person chosen to reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ himself.
Always conscious of Christ's words: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me."
Matthew Kopel (563)940-4615
Ushers are stationed at the doors of the church, they act as hosts to warmly welcome the people of God to each Eucharistic celebration. Ushers are needed to assist in seating the congregation,they support other ministers, and help with the collections.
Ushers arrive at the church 10-15 minutes prior to the start of Mass. After Mass they complete a general clean up, kneelers in upright positions, books where they belong, and close doors. The Usher ministry is open to all.
If you have the ability to reach out, engage and include all parishioners to participate in the liturgy, If you can reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ himself this may be the ministry you are called for.