High School Youth Ministry

High School Youth Ministry

High school life is full of new opportunities, growth, and development. It's about increased freedom but also increased pressure and responsibility. All too often, high school students try to push through these stresses on their own and struggle to hold it all together. Hopefully, they have the support of family members in life situations and faith, but this isn't always the case, and it may not be enough to satisfy their emerging hunger for independence and a distinct community of friends. Perhaps they find the support of friends, but these aren't always friends who acknowledge or respect their views about faith and religion or encourage them to grow in these areas.

It is essential to be in community with those who can walk alongside and encourage you on the difficult journey of life and faith, to grow in virtue, and to become who God's calling you to be!

As St. Francis de Sales encouraged:

"have friendship with those capable of communicating virtuous things to you. The more exquisite the virtue you put in your exchange the more perfect will your friendship be...It will be excellent because it comes from God, excellent because it tends to God, excellent because its bond is God, excellent because it will last eternally in God."  (St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Part 3, Chapter 19, "Of Real Friendship")

We hope to build and encourage just that kind of community for high schoolers at St. Paul's and beyond!

One way we're working to build this community is through combined youth ministry events with other churches throughout the year. As part of this effort, we ask for any high schooler who has or plans to participate in any ministry opportunity this year to have a completed registration form. There is no fee whatsoever, but this form provides us the information we need to best be prepared for and communicate about events, while also ensuring all diocesan youth safety protocols are followed. Parents of high schoolers, please click the button below to register each student who plans to be involved:

You can also view or download a copy of our youth ministry calendar below:

More High School Opportunities:

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