This past summer I had the most amazing, eye-opening experience traveling to Grand-Bois, Haiti. This had not only been my first time traveling to Haiti, but also my first time truly immersed in a new culture. I was able to see first hand how incredibly strong and selfless the people who have so little are. One of my favorite memories from the trip was following a social worker on home visits to check on local families and make sure they were in a healthy environment with access to clean water and a bathroom. On these visits, the social worker also checked on their own health, and they could be referred to the clinic if they were in need of medical attention. My trip to Haiti showed me how easy it is for the people of Grand-Bois to find joy in the simple things in life, and that is something that truly inspired me. I am so thankful for the experience I had, and I encourage everyone to get involved!
If you are interested in a trip to Haiti in January or June 2018,
contact Tara Greufe at or Don Blough at