It was a life threatening medical situation that really highlighted the love of God for Don Adams. A day after finishing open heart surgery to repair his mitral valve, Don experienced a major setback that became life threatening. He recognized the “love of God in so many ways during that whole process.”
Don shares that the Lord surrounded him with an incredible sense of peace prior to the surgery, including the morning when the medical professionals rolled him into the OR. “My natural tendency would have been to be extremely anxious and nervous, especially since I had never spent a night in the hospital leading up to this event. I was extremely thankful for this peace and I have thanked the Lord often for it.” Many people, from family members to parishioners at St. Paul’s to people they barely knew, were covering Don and Mary in prayer during the unanticipated turn of events. “Once you experience this love from God through others, it heightens your awareness of the true importance of the simple act of praying for others.”
Don and Mary have learned that the need for prayer and communion with Jesus is a priority in their lives. Mary shares that she has a “constant companion in Jesus throughout the day…with a conversation that is ongoing.” Mary makes an intentional effort to pray for her children and to pray the rosary. As she prays the rosary and ponders the mysteries she incorporates prayers for her children that correspond to the mysteries. Ultimately one of most powerful experiences of the love of God for Mary has been while in communion with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and in Adoration. “Although my mind floods with things I want to tell Him, I eventually get to a place where I’m content just to be in his presence and not do or think a thing, but feel the warmth of His love and peace.”
The Adams know that they continued to be chiseled and molded by the Lord, but also recognize that being a disciple truly begins with a “deep friendship with Jesus that is nurtured by time.” Don emphasizes that the time with Jesus in silence is “incredibly important, truly listening and trying to discern God’s will in my life.” For him the best time to spend time in quiet is in the morning before the day begins. Mary shares that she often finds when asked to do something for God her immediate response is to really pray about it and determine if the timing is right or not based on what God is calling her to, living into Jesus instruction of letting your “yes be yes and your no be no.”
Don and Mary both humbly admit the need to continue to grow…but an undeniable aspect of their story is a faith and trust in the Lord that is so strong it is palpable. That gift of peace has been given to them in their lives and it is clear it has come from their encounters with the living God.