We are taking a slight shift in our spotlight articles and looking at how our parish youth are living their call of intentional discipleship. This week we’ve connected with an Assumption senior, Ben Hanser, to hear a little more about how God is moving in his life.
Ben is the second child of Stacy and Teresa Hanser and is involved in band, drama, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), golf and student council at Assumption. He plans to attend St. Ambrose University in the fall and to study Mechanical Engineering.
As an intentional disciple, Ben recognizes that “encountering Jesus has steadily changed me into a person in which I hope God’s light can shine through me, not only in my words, but also my actions. In growing deeper with my faith, I am continuing to become the person God has always planned for me to be and also trusting in the path He has for my life.”
Even though Ben’s relationship with God has grown, he has also experienced times of difficulty and doubt. Ben explains that he has “struggled with the doubt of God’s might over the past few years.” One example involves his athletic life and it took place in regards to his golf game. While Ben felt like he was putting in ample time and energy in attempting to improve the mechanics of his game with his coach, his scores remained relatively stagnant. Ben shares that he “started doubting whether or not I was doing the right thing in investing so much time into golf, and in that time, it seemed as if the only statement I heard {from God} was, ‘You’re really close, Ben.’” He recalls that these words soon became “very trite, but in retrospect I actually was close the entire time, and things started to fall into place.’
Ben clarifies that, “this lesson goes much further than sports because this can be the case in so many instances in life. God always sees how close we are, but our doubting Thomas instincts can override our abilities to step back and look at the big picture. What I learned from all of this is that it only takes one 30-minute lesson in the winter, one Mass, or one prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, for God to open our eyes and show us we are never too far away from Him in order for us to change. Through my doubts, God taught me to be patient in life and to know he is always walking by my side.” This is a good lesson for us all to take to heart.
Ben also describes another important lesson that he has learned. “Jesus has shown me how He is a personal God. My favorite verse in the Bible is Jeremiah 29:11-14: ‘For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you, says the Lord, and I will change your lot.’ What I like in particular about this translation, are all of the times “I” and “you” are used throughout these verses. In this passage, Jesus has laid his hand on my shoulder and has talked to me as a friend and not as an authoritative figure. I have heard many other people envision God as this judge who lays down a strict law, but through this passage, Jesus talks to me as a companion on this journey of life.”
Ben’s favorite ways to connect with God are worshiping in Mass at Assumption and through his involvement in FCA. Thanks Ben for being a witness of intentional discipleship and living a life modeled on Jesus!