St Paul the Apostle Church and School is a vibrant community where God’s grace abounds and is bearing fruit. Enlivened by God’s love, we have celebrated the sacraments, shared the Gospel, welcomed new members, nurtured the faith of our young people, invested in marriages, supported families as they follow Jesus, and cared for the sick and homebound. This could not have happened without the support and participation of our parishioners.
All of this activity flows out of our commitment to serve God by building a community of intentional disciples. This year’s annual giving theme, Growing in Faith, Giving in Love, builds on this mission. As Jesus teaches in Matthew 6, our hearts follow our treasure. When we practice the spiritual discipline of sharing what we have, we grow closer to God because we learn to rely more on Him and less on our own resources, and because we partner with Him in bringing about his Kingdom. Faith is like a muscle – the more we exercise it, the stronger it grows. And giving is an exercise that transforms lives – not only our own lives, but also the lives of others.
As we begin this year’s Growing in Faith, Giving in Love annual giving campaign, you are invited to take this opportunity to grow in faith as you pray about your loving response to this appeal. Then, click on the button below to make a pledge online, so that St. Paul the Apostle can continue its work of following Jesus and sharing His love with others. Together, we can have a tremendous impact on our community!